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A member registered Mar 18, 2020

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Sorry for the late reply, but the layout is shown right there.

It's a bit dim but it's there.

The position of the numbers has changed.

It's not the usual phone number layout.

You can see it in game before you enter the spike mini game.

No you just have to talk to it.

There's a second rainbow potion.

Talk to spider again.

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Now that the full chapter 1 is out, It's amazing to see the changes.
All the different ending and secrets to find.
Glad the Lakeside and train station got the change it needed, it felt empty before.
And I'm excited for more Lore and secrets to find in future chapters.

It took me a few days.
but I made a guide, for the 100% completionist.
Spoilers a head, it's very big.

It has:
1-1 True End Summery
All Achievements
All Dead Ends
All Side Quests
All Coins and Runes
and many more Secrets

Hope you guys enjoy it.

Have you tried running diagonally?
Doing that saves a lot of time than just zigzagging.

If you can't do that, I recommend changing your binding keys.
I couldn't sprint diagonally until I changed the binds and it helped me a lot with that chase. 

Well, how would you know the ending without playing?

Amazing guide, though hate to nitpick, there are some missing information that I may be able to help you with.
Also if you haven't joined our fan discord server, please do.
I would love to have another completionist  join the club.


There are 17 coins.

Also the code for the first door in the blue candle quest is different for everyone.

This is genuinely funny and frustrating to watch.

Hint: open your inventory and select the item you want to use. 

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Git gud, 

I myself don't think the game is very challenging, it's fairly easy.
You just have to explore and look around, interact with everything.
And there are plenty of hints for you to solve all puzzles.

As for the monster in the facility, jeez man just don't run and look where you're going, they're fairly easy to spot and avoid.

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There's scissors you can grab, and some chips from the vending machine for a coin.

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Nope, there is no pentagon handle, but you don't need it if you know how to geometry. As for the elevator, it's basic math, just add up to 55,

Answers below:

You can just use the star handle for the pentagon, and the fuses are just 40 + 15 in the top slots.

In the 1.0.4, it's different, it's 
40 + 5
25 - 15

I don't really like sweets, but If I had to say, I'd say macarons. Mostly because it taste most like chocolate and and not too sweet.

There are alternatives I will say that.

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The game is fantastic and love finding the ways to cheat through and try to find solutions to get a better time. You must first be a completionist in order to know the fastest ways to finish the game. Also there are 15 coins in the game I found so far, I need them coins!!!

Anyway, here's a speedrun.

A drawing contest, I can't draw but I can imagine.
I did a bit of pixal art, it may be bad, but I'll I'd definitely enter with something that will fuel your nightmare.
Can't wait for the next chapter to release, been waiting since I first played the game.

And I hope that you keep doing what you're doing, I love your work.

A very good game, even if it's short, and even when I finished, I could finish again because it fun.

I also found the true end.